1. Tandem Skydive at Pennsylvania's Pittsburgh Parachuting and Skydiving Center
2. Go Hawaii for surfing. Not just to enjoy the wave but also to enjoy the wind and the smell of the sea.
3. Have a cool diving experience at the Poor Knights, New Zealand.
4. Bungy Jump at Kawarau Bridge. It's crazy but I'll do it!!!
5. Write a song for Jin and sing it to her
6. Have a lovely picnic on the beach as well as a romantic stroll during sunset with Jin.
7. Try marshmallow in various types of ways.
8. Snowboarding and make snow angel in Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand.
9. Kayaking in Crystal lake, U.S.
10. Ride a Vespa around Rome
11. Visit Grand Canyon in Arizona, U.S.
12. Sit on a horse-drawn carriage and also drive a Segway around the centre of Paris.
13. Watch an outdoor movie theater in Diamond State Drive-In Theater.
14. Visit around London in a Double Decker bus.
15. Explore the nature and topography feature of Qurum Natural Park in Muscat.
16. Live in an apartment in New York. Why? To see the city that never sleep of course, hear that the view of New York was fabulous at night.
17. Go on a hot air balloon rides in the central park of Manhattan, New York.
18. Go on a roadtrip to Michigan, U.S.
19.Rock climbing at Sierra-Nevada mountain in Yosemite Valley, California.
Yeah I know... It sounds like the Ultimate Dream things to do in life. But I'm looking forward to it, because it's an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime thrill that worth a try, at least... Life is simply too short to be boring! Embrace your inner self, and shine!!! =)
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great post nick!
i see mostly outdoor activities ya
btw i heard east malaysia has bungee jumping
the marshmellow are so cute.. haha.. hope ur dream comes true? =D
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